14 December 2012

Top 10 Worst Applications for Comic Sans

10. Warning signs (e.g. Beware of Dog, No Trespassing)
9. Body text in a science textbook
8. Headings for the 3rd-quarter analysis spreadsheets
7. PowerPoint presentations about the Higgs boson
6. Stern memos about unnecessary font usage
5. Rejection letters to job applicants
4. Funeral announcements/obituaries
3. Newspaper headlines
2. State welfare agency logotype
1. Printed text on traffic citations

Top 10 Best Applications for Comic Sans
10. Game text in The Sims Classic
9. Er...
8. Well, there's...
7. Um...
6. Let's see now...
5. Ah...
4. Eh...
3. Hmm...
2. Uh...
1. Could you repeat the question please?